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.Net Framework Library for Delphi

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.Net Framework Library for Delphi


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The Library is a delphi interface representation of the .NET Framework class library which is tightly integrate with the Delphi Host Class Library. This library enables you to accomplish a range of common programming tasks, including tasks such as string management, data collection, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, network communications, file access and many more. In addition to these common tasks, the class library includes type interfaces that support a variety of specialized development scenarios. It also contains interfaces that provide access to system functionality.

The features below shows the classification of the Delphi Framework Class Library Namespaces.


  • CNClrLib.CodeDom: This namespace contains interfaces that can be used to represent the elements of a source code document and that support the generation and compilation of source code in supported programming languages.
  • CNClrLib.Collections: This namespace contains interfaces that define various standard, specialized, and generic collection objects.
  • CNClrLib.Common: This namespace contains interfaces shared among the various namespaces to prevent self circular reference error when compiling your Delphi application.
  • CNClrLib.ComponentModel: This namespace contains interfaces that implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components and controls.
  • CNClrLib.Configuration: This namespace contains interfaces for handling configuration data, such as data in machine or application configuration files.
  • CNClrLib.CSharp: This namespace contains interfaces that support compilation and code generation of source code written in the C# language, and types that support interoperation betwen the dynamic language runtime (DLR) and C#.
  • CNClrLib.Data: This namespace contains interfaces for accessing and managing data from diverse sources. These form the ADO.NET architecture and ADO.NET data providers. For example, providers are available for SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC, and OleDB. It contains interfaces for ADO.NET Entity Data Model (EDM) and WCF Data Services.
  • CNClrLib.Deployment: This namespace contains interfaces that support deployment of ClickOnce applications.
  • CNClrLib.Device: This namespace allows application developers to easily access the computer's location by using a single API. Location information may come from multiple providers, such as GPS, Wi-Fi triangulation, and cell phone tower triangulation. The CNClrLib.Device interfaces provide a single API to encapsulate the multiple location providers on a computer and support seamless prioritization and transitioning between them. As a result, application developers who use this API do not need to tailor applications to specific hardware configurations.
  • CNClrLib.Diagnostics: This namespace contains interfaces that enable you to interact with system processes, event logs, and performance counters. It contains interfaces to interact with code analysis tools, to support contracts, to extend design-time support for application monitoring and instrumentation, to log event data using the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) tracing subsystem, to read to and write from event logs and collect performance data, and to read and write debug symbol information.
  • CNClrLib.DirectoryServices: This namespace contains interfaces that provide access to Active Directory.
  • CNClrLib.Drawing: This namespace contains interfaces that support basic GDI+ graphics functionality. Child namespaces support advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality, advanced imaging functionality, and print-related and typographical services. The namespace also contains interfaces that extend design-time user-interface logic and drawing.
  • CNClrLib.Dynamic: The CNClrLib.Dynamic Linq namespace provides interfaces that support Dynamic Language Runtime.
  • CNClrLib.EnterpriseServices: This namespace contains interfaces that define the COM+ services architecture, which provides an infrastructure for enterprise applications. It supports Compensating Resource Manager (CRM), a COM+ service that enables non-transactional objects to be included in Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transactions.
  • CNClrLib.IdentityModel: This namespace contains interfaces that are used to provide authentication and authorization for applications.
  • CNClrLib.IO: This namespace contains interfaces that support input and output, including the ability to read and write data to streams either synchronously or asynchronously, to compress data in streams, to create and use isolated stores, to map files to an application's logical address space, to store multiple data objects in a single container, to communicate using anonymous or named pipes, to implement custom logging, and to handle the flow of data to and from serial ports.
  • CNClrLib.Linq: This namespace contains interfaces that support queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). This includes types that represent queries as objects in expression trees.
  • CNClrLib.Management: This namespace contains interfaces that provide access to management information and management events about the system, devices, and applications instrumented to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure. These namespaces also contain types necessary for instrumenting applications so that they expose their management information and events through WMI to potential customers.
  • CNClrLib.Media: This namespace contains interfaces for playing sound files and accessing sounds provided by the system.
  • CNClrLib.Messaging: This namespace contains interfaces that enable you to connect to, monitor, and administer message queues on the network and to send, receive, or peek messages.
  • CNClrLib.Net: This namespace contains interfaces that provide a simple programming interface for a number of network protocols, programmatically access and update configuration settings for the CNClrLib .Net namespaces, define cache policies for web resources, compose and send e-mail, represent Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange (MIME) headers, access network traffic data and network address information, and access peer-to-peer networking functionality. It also provide a managed implementation of the Windows Sockets (Winsock) interface and provide access to network streams for secure communications between hosts.
  • CNClrLib.Numerics: This namespace contains numeric interfaces that complement the numeric primitives, such as Byte, Double, and Int32 that are defined by the .NET Framework.
  • CNClrLib.Printing: This namespace contains interfaces that support printing, that provide access to the properties of print system objects and enable rapid copying of their property settings to another object of the same type, and that support the interconversion of managed .net System.PrintTicket objects and unmanaged GDI DEVMODE structures.
  • CNClrLib.Resources: This namespace contains interfaces that enable developers to create, store, and manage an application's culture-specific resources.
  • CNClrLib.Runtime: This namespace contains interfaces that support an application's interaction with the common language runtime, and types that enable features such as application data caching, advanced exception handling, application activation within application domains, COM interop, distributed applications, serialization and deserialization, and versioning. Additional namespaces enable compiler writers to specify attributes that affect the run-time behavior of the common language runtime, define a contract for reliability between a set of code and other code that takes a dependency on it, and implement a persistence provider for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
  • CNClrLib.Security: This namespace contains interfaces that represent the .NET Framework security system and permissions. The namespace also provides interfaces that control access to and audit securable objects, allow authentication, provide crytographic services, control access to operations and resources based on policy, and support rights management of application-created content.
  • CNClrLib.ServiceModel: This namespace contains the interfaces necessary to build Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service and client applications.
  • CNClrLib.ServiceProcess: This namespace contains interfaces that enable you to implement, install, and control Windows service applications and extend design-time support for Windows service applications.
  • CNClrLib.Speech: This namespace contain interfaces that support speech recognition.
  • CNClrLib.SqlServer : This namespace contains interfaces that are specific to the integration of the Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) into Microsoft SQL Server, and the SQL Server database engine process execution environment.
  • CNClrLib.System: This namespace contains fundamental interfaces that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.
  • CNClrLib.Text: This namespace contains interfaces for character encoding and string manipulation. It also enables you to process text using regular expressions.
  • CNClrLib.Threading: This namespace contains interface that enable multithreaded programming. The namespace provides types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code.
  • CNClrLib.Timers: This namespace provides the Timer component, which allows you to raise an event on a specified interval.
  • CNClrLib.Transactions: This namespace contains interfaces that support transactions with multiple, distributed participants, multiple phase notifications, and durable enlistments.
  • CNClrLib.VisualBasic: This namespace contains classes that support compilation and code generation using the Visual Basic language. The namespace also contain types that provide services to the Visual Basic compiler and types that include support for the Visual Basic application model, the My namespace, lambda expressions, and code conversion.
  • CNClrLib.Web: This namespace contains interface that enable browser/server communication. Child namespaces include types that support ASP.NET forms authentication, application services, data caching on the server, ASP.NET application configuration, dynamic data, HTTP handlers, JSON serialization, incorporating AJAX functionality into ASP.NET, ASP.NET security, and web services. This namespace does not contain all the types defined in System.Web namespace of the .Net Framework Class library. Feature releases of the product will contain all the types defined in the .Net System.Web namespace.
  • CNClrLib.Win32: This namespace provides interface that handle events raised by the operating system, that manipulate the system registry, and that represent file and operating system handles.
  • CNClrLib.Windows: This namespace contains interface used in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications, including animation clients, user interface controls, data binding, and type conversion. This namespace does not contain all the types defined in System.Windows namespace of the .Net Framework Class library. Feature releases of the product will contain all the types defined in the .Net System.Windows namespace.
  • CNClrLib.Xaml: This namespace contains interface that support parsing and processing the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).
  • CNClrLib.Xml: This namespace contains interface for processing XML. The namespace also contains interfaces that support serialization of XML documents or streams, XSD schemas, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0, and LINQ to XML, which is an in-memory XML programming interface that enables easy modification of XML documents.

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