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Acrylic DNS Proxy

Free download Acrylic DNS Proxy Web app or web tool

This is the web app or web related tool named Acrylic DNS Proxy whose latest release can be downloaded as Acrylic.exe from this website


Acrylic DNS Proxy


Download this app named Acrylic DNS Proxy.

Acrylic is a local DNS proxy for Windows which improves the performance of your computer by caching the responses coming from your DNS servers and helps you fight unwanted ads through the use of a custom HOSTS file (optimized for handling hundreds of thousands of domain names) with support for wildcards and regular expressions.

When you browse a web page a portion of the loading time is dedicated to name resolution while the rest is dedicated to the transfer of the web page contents. What Acrylic does is to reduce the time dedicated to name resolution for frequently visited addresses closest to zero possible. Furthermore Acrylic's sliding expiration caching mechanism and DNS silent updates are able to improve the browsing experience independently of the browser.

With Acrylic you can also gracefully overcome downtimes of your DNS servers without disrupting your work, because in that case you will at least be able to connect to your favourite websites and to your email server.


Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop

User interface

Win32 (MS Windows)

Programming Language


Free download Web app or web tool Acrylic DNS Proxy from

