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Eyes off art and science

Free download Eyes off art and science video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the video Eyes off art and science that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor online


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Our need for stimulation and information is insatiable. Curiosity is one of the most powerful and laudable engines of the human being. Curiosity is also a disparaged and pernicious feature. On the one hand, it may be unhealthy but, on the other hand, it does urge the discovery of the world and the encounter of others. Curiosity drives exploration, inquiry and learning.

curiosity kills the cat

Curiosity is an inner desire, an emotion that modifies our psychic and physical state. In other words, it is a state that is reproduced in very different contexts and therein defines us. It is the emotional rapture of curiosity and the ambiguity of its consideration that inspired the Center for Medical Image Analysis (MIAC AG) for this year’s art-science project in Basel, from June 12 to 16, 2019. During Art | Basel, MIAC AG opens Le sas for a serendipity experience of curiosity: Eyes off art and science.
Space-times of feeling and understanding, knowing and sharing, motion and emotion, art and science tend here towards reciprocity. In a multidisciplinary experimental laboratory, they keep an eye on each one of us. Wide open to any primary interaction, Eyes Off Art and Science invites everyone not to avert one’s eyes but to cross looks in dynamic exchange and sharing.

MIAC AG hopes that this second initiative in its new location will again foster a series of cultural, artistic, and scientific discussions at the heart of the city.

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