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Manden p bagtrappen (with English subtitles)

Free download Manden p bagtrappen (with English subtitles) video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the free video Manden p bagtrappen (with English subtitles) that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video Manden p bagtrappen (with English subtitles).

Manden på Bagtrappen

En animeret podcastfortælling

Året er 1945, og der står en mand på en mørk bagtrappe på Nørrebro. Han skal udføre en opgave han ikke helt forstår.
Undervejs går det op på ham, at han i al den kaotiske undtagelsestilstand han har været i i flere år, har undertrykt en voksende smerte og at han ikke længere kan genkende den person der står på bagtrappen.

The Man on the Staircase

An animated podcast story

The year is 1945 and there is a man standing on a staircase somewhere In Copenhagen. He is supposed to perform a task he doesn’t quite understand. But as he stands there by the stairs, a thought suddenly comes to his mind. He realises that all the chaos and the state of emergency he has been living in the last couple of years, has suppressed a growing inner pain, and he can no longer recognize the person standing there on the staircase

Story and drawings - Michael Wettendorff

Video, speak and music - Michael Wettendorff
Copenhagen - 2020

Download, play and edit free videos and free audios from Manden p bagtrappen (with English subtitles) using web apps

