XUProxy - an eXtensible Universal Proxy
This is the web app or web related tool named XUProxy - an eXtensible Universal Proxy whose latest release can be downloaded as xuproxy-0.1.2.tar.bz2 from this website redcoolmedia.net
XUProxy - an eXtensible Universal Proxy
Download this app named XUProxy - an eXtensible Universal Proxy.
XUProxy is an extensible multi-protocol proxy based on the Twisted framework. It supports multiple protocol plugins (currently only HTTP), and multiple "filter" plugins for things like logging, caching, and Proxomitron-compatible ad filtering.Audience
Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop
User interface
Non-interactive (Daemon), Web-based, X Window System (X11)
Programming Language
C, Python
Free download Web app or web tool XUProxy - an eXtensible Universal Proxy from RedcoolMedia.net