Visual Integer Factor

Visual Integer Factor

This is the web app or web related tool named Visual Integer Factor whose latest release can be downloaded as VisualIntFactor_0.2.0.html from this website


Visual Integer Factor


Download this app named Visual Integer Factor.

VisualIntFactor will be an interactive educational and scientific tool demonstrating multiply, factor, conversion between unary counting and binary integers, all in the same grid of hexagons. This grid is based on pascals triangle, which is a 1d cellular automata that calculates (X choose Y) factorials by each cell being the sum of the 2 cells upleft and upright. Draw a binary integer from a cell going upright, then explore the allowed transforms which may lead you to a factored state in 2 dimensions, from the lowest digit of the 2 odd integers both upright and upleft, its factors, and in the 2d space they are rectangle edges of, those pixels/digitbits must be on when there is an on bit somewhere downleft and downright after crossing empty cells, but if it finds either whole diagonal row empty then it must also be empty/zerodigit. The 2 main rules are: Any 2 cells below may both turn off and turn on the one above, or the reverse, and any on cell may move horizontally to an empty cell.


  • Learn the basics of math, counting, plus, multiply, in base 2 instead of base 10 which has far more things to memorize like multiplication tables.
  • Unary counting is horizontal, while seamlessly through the 2 main rules a unary number can be counted up in binary as it slides into its ones digit, and the same for unary counting of binary integers sliding them left.
  • Conservation Of Volume mode displays the same game with each cell a rectangle 2 times bigger than each of the 2 cells below it, 2 times bigger in the dimension it is relative to each lower rectangle.
  • Research into using statistical artificial intelligence to explore the network and block diagonal rows or hold all nonblocked cells on within a defined rectangle of the statement what if the 2 factors last digits are the rectangles dimensions, may lead to new ways to efficiently factor integers, and it may turn out you dont need the statistics if there is an exact way to do it with pascals triangle, maybe.
  • Learn about prime numbers by streaming many pairs of them in solved multiplied form into your brain by watching it on screen in a way that fits naturally with how our vision of brains works, combined with various other representations on screen like their multiplied form upright as the sum of their 2 lengths and maybe how many digits are in each horizontal row as unary number on the side. Theres something new to discover in these kinds of math.
  • I'd like it to become a massively multiplayer game where different places long possibly solving it fit together and players work together to combine and explore from these.


Aerospace, Science/Research, Education, End Users/Desktop, Security

User interface


Programming Language


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