Varal WAMP

Varal WAMP

This is the web app or web related tool named Varal WAMP whose latest release can be downloaded as VaralWAMPDownloader.exe from this website


Varal WAMP


Download this app named Varal WAMP.

Varal WAMP allows you to develop and host websites on your PC with great ease. Whether you are a web designer or a advanced web developer, Varal WAMP has been developed keeping you in mind. The current version of Varal WAMP is build with latest configuration. The latest version includes Apache 2.4.4, PHP 5.5.0, MySQL 5.6.10 as well as phpMyAdmin 4.0.4, xDebug 2.2.3, FileZilla FTP 3.7.1, WordPress 3.5.1 and lots of add ons. Its powerful yet user friendly interference ensures you can focus on development rather than spending hours configuring the server. To know more about Varal WAMP visit


  • Allow you to create multiple sites
  • Custom web URL’s of your site. e.g. http://mysite/
  • One click install of popular scripts like WordPress, Jommla, phpBB,…
  • phpMyAdmin, FileZilla, SMTP Server, xDebug and lots of add on
  • Allow to switch Apache, PHP versions as per your need


Information Technology, System Administrators, Developers

Programming Language

Visual Basic, PHP

Database Environment


Free download Web app or web tool Varal WAMP from