V1 Script

V1 Script

This is the web app or web related tool named V1 Script whose latest release can be downloaded as v1-0.95-win32.zip from this website redcoolmedia.net


V1 Script


Download this app named V1 Script.

V1 is a simple functional interpreter language with syntax from C, PHP and JavaScript. It was developed from the scratch. The focus is on simple administrative and experimental programming, but it has enhanced benefits like Multithreading, CGI and Web functions. The most buildin functions are compatible with PHP, for example fopen().

The current Version 0.95 is available for Linux (x86, 64 Bit) and Windows (32 Bit).


  • C Language Style
  • PHP compatible functions
  • Multithreading
  • CGI
  • Documentation (Wiki)
  • Online Code Editor


Developers, Testers

User interface


Programming Language

C, PHP, JavaScript

Free download Web app or web tool V1 Script from RedcoolMedia.net