User Extensible Dictionary

User Extensible Dictionary

This is the web app or web related tool named User Extensible Dictionary whose latest release can be downloaded as from this website


User Extensible Dictionary


Download this app named User Extensible Dictionary.

This master thesis builds on my previous bachelor thesis „User-Extensible Dictionary”, where I created local desktop application (fat client). Dictionary offers standard user interface with possibility to create user-specific translation and their sharing. By sharing user dictionaries the scope and possibilities of the dictionary is further expanded, including the possibility to improve the quality of its content. Administrator is needed for quality check. With this crowdsourcing is used. Web server was created in language C# with technology .Net. Dictionary data is saved in XML with XDXF formatting, which allows obtaining or updating the content of dictionary data. Basic English-Czech dictionary is included. This dictionary can be expanded further.


  • crowdsourcing

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