Public Intelligence Tool

Public Intelligence Tool

This is the web app or web related tool named Public Intelligence Tool whose latest release can be downloaded as PIT-PublicIntellegenceToolV2.5.1.rar from this website


Public Intelligence Tool


Download this app named Public Intelligence Tool.

This is a Project I have been working on I call it PITT or Public Intelligence Tool, It is built of the open source web browser Iron, filled with links for searching tons for Public Information.

There a similar tools on the market but I laid mine out the way I like it, and I hope everyone else will to.

I will be hopefully trying to update this tool weekly with new links and information, making new improvements. I Have the discussions open if you want to add anything new or feel something should change just write it and il research it and add it in.

Please use the tool responsibly and give credit where credit is due.

This tool is not for criminal uses, it is only for Official use with proper permissions. I do not own any links in here.

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It is for use by Security Researchers, Government Agencies, Law Enforcement, Student Research and Legal Red Teaming and Penetration Testing


  • Open Source intelligence
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • Treat Analysis
  • Analysis


Government, Information Technology, Security Professionals, Security

User interface


Free download Web app or web tool Public Intelligence Tool from