Network Caller ID

Network Caller ID

This is the web app or web related tool named Network Caller ID whose latest release can be downloaded as ncid-1.10-src.tar.gz from this website


Network Caller ID


Download this app named Network Caller ID.

The NCID (Network Caller ID) project is Caller ID (CID) distributed over a network. The project contains the NCID package and 4 optional client packages. Each package is described at the NCID web site. A non-inclusive list of 3rd party addons is also available at the web site

Available Packages:
NCID - contains the server, gateways, and a client with output modules
LCDncid - a client that uses LCDproc to display Caller ID on a LCD display
NCIDandroid - a client and gateway combination for Android devices
NCIDdisplay - a homebrew client that displays on large LED modules
NCIDpop - a popup client for Windows, Mac, and Linux


  • Supports gateways, devices, and a modem for Caller ID
  • Supports name and number aliases for calls
  • Supports messages from clients and gateways
  • Auto hangup on calls in the blacklist but not in the whitelist
  • Supports phones, tablets, and devices that use Android or iOS
  • Multiple clients are permitted and expected
  • The ncid client supports output modules to add features
  • Does not require a landline with a Android phone using NCIDandroid


Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop

User interface


Programming Language

Unix Shell, Perl, C, Tcl

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