

This is the web app or web related tool named NaviServer whose latest release can be downloaded as naviserver-4.99.17.tar.gz from this website




Download this app named NaviServer.

NaviServer is an extensible web server suited to create scalable web sites and services. Originally based on AOLServer (, the ongoing development is now done independently under Mozilla Public License by a core group of people that use it for their businesses and by everyone who is willing to provide support of any kind.

Features: High performance multi-threaded architecture, massively scalable and extensible, many modules, interpreted config file, dynamic scripted pages (ADP), caching functions (static files, Tcl byte code, chunks), pooled database connections, thread shared arrays, introspection commands, mass virtual hosting (no server restart), watchdog restarts, control port and command mode, efficient handling of down-/uploads with async I/O, IPv4/IPv6

Core developers: Vlad Seryakov, Stephen Deasey, Zoran Vasiljevic, Gustaf Neumann

Source: Info:


  • Multi-threaded architecture
  • Massively scalable and extensible
  • Dynamic scripted pages
  • Built-in high performance cache with transaction semantics
  • Built-in database connection and thread pooling
  • Hot code swapping (update code in the running system without server restart)
  • Thread shared arrays
  • Watchdog restarts
  • Built-in debugging (e.g. control port)
  • Built-in statistics (for mutex locks, cache, db-handles, ...)
  • Asynchronous spooling of requests and replies
  • aAynchronous writing of logfiles
  • Delivery of static files optionally with gzip or brotli compression with automatic refresh
  • Crypto support such as digests, HMAC, Eliptic curve cryptography, HKDF, AEAD, (mostly via OpenSSL), HOTP, TOTP
  • HTTP/HTTPS client support
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Many plugins (NaviServer modules, e.g. DB-driv ers, HTTP Push, letsencrypt, ..., UDP)



Programming Language

C, Tcl

Free download Web app or web tool NaviServer from