Mirrored Mockup Design

Mirrored Mockup Design

This is the web app or web related tool named Mirrored Mockup Design whose latest release can be downloaded as mmd-linux.tar.gz from this website redcoolmedia.net


Mirrored Mockup Design


Download this app named Mirrored Mockup Design.

There's many great tools out there for web design like Adobe Edge Animate, Google Web Designer, and Adobe Proto (Except discontinued for android), but these tools are only good for those users who are running Windows, Mac OS X, or the iOS platforms. I however couldn't find a decent website designer for Linux or Android so I decided to make my own as a fun experiment.


  • Responsive: Set queries and optimize your site for all devices.
  • Typography: Pull in web fonts or use integrated system fonts.
  • Global Styles: Style multiple elements and use pseudo selectors.
  • Positioning: Utilize position properties for dynamic layouts.
  • WYSIWYG Styled Design
  • Supports Pseudo class selectors via Global Styles
  • Re-Optimizer (Browser Resize) for Responsive Design (Comes in handy for smaller devices).
  • Supports CSS Link References, Javascript Sources, and Global Styles
  • Basic Integrated Web Browser
  • Convert your selected element to a parent or child.
  • Custom HSL/HSLA color picker
  • Choose between a Light or Dark Color Scheme while designing.
  • Search: CSS Dialogs & Properties for an Easy Focus. (ex: typography, or font-family)
  • Search: Button, Textbox, Parent, or Child to add/convert your current selection.



User interface


Programming Language

PHP, JavaScript

Free download Web app or web tool Mirrored Mockup Design from RedcoolMedia.net