McFaces examples

McFaces examples

This is the web app or web related tool named McFaces examples whose latest release can be downloaded as likaonJsf.jar from this website


McFaces examples


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The aim of our project is to create a set of examples of use of JSF 2.1 MC Faces components from MC Components series.

MC Components library provides a rich set of JSF 2.1 components with jsp and facelets support. Components available in this rich set provide simple and convenient access to funcionalities desired in each JSF web application. Most of components use famous JQuery javascript library as a javascript engine.


  • Components dedicated for JSF 2.0 and upper versions
  • Still in strong development
  • Rich set of usefull dynamic components with built in Ajax support
  • Nice components for building rich user interfaces: Portlet, Properties, Splitter, Tabs
  • Easy to use Accordion and Dialog components
  • Data Table component with ajax support planed in near future
  • Dynamic FileUpload component


Developers, Architects

User interface


Programming Language

JavaScript, JSP, Java

Database Environment


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