Mail Send - Drupal Simplenews Newsletter

Mail Send - Drupal Simplenews Newsletter

This is the web app or web related tool named Mail Send - Drupal Simplenews Newsletter whose latest release can be downloaded as from this website


Mail Send - Drupal Simplenews Newsletter


Download this app named Mail Send - Drupal Simplenews Newsletter.

You only need the php file and a form that will initiate it plus a custom unsubscribe page. The script uses simplenews newsletter database tables, users, newsletter categories etc. The only thing you have to do is to disable the simplenews newsletter spool cron from Drupal or choose not to send them form Simplenews/Drupal interafce in order to avoid having both this tool and Drupal cron sending mails. You can easily dissabel cron if you get the Elysia Cron module for Drupal. Users will continue to subscribe/unsubscribe using simplenews newsletter module and you will create the newsletters the usual way. The script works with multiple newsletter categories and every time processes the latest newsletter that has not been sent. After you sent the newsletter, there is nothing else you need to do. Nothing very fancy but is good for sending thousands of e-mails.

For more info visit


Information Technology, Advanced End Users, Developers

User interface


Programming Language


Database Environment


Free download Web app or web tool Mail Send - Drupal Simplenews Newsletter from