kvwmap - WebGIS solution

kvwmap - WebGIS solution

This is the web app or web related tool named kvwmap - WebGIS solution whose latest release can be downloaded as kvwmap-2.0.zip from this website redcoolmedia.net


kvwmap - WebGIS solution


Download this app named kvwmap - WebGIS solution.

kvwmap is a complex WebGIS-Client and -Server solution for eGovernment-purposes written in PHP using UMN-Mapserver-technologies, MySQL- and PostgreSQL/PostGIS-databases, SVG, etc.

ATTENTION!!! This Project is no longer updated on SourceForge.
Please use https://github.com/srahn/kvwmap instead.


  • ALK&ALB Integration
  • role-based user management
  • Generic Layer-Concept (display, creation, editing and searching in every PostGIS-layer)
  • Geometry-Editor for polygon-, line- and point-layers
  • Configurable Print-Layouts for Maps and Data
  • WMS, WFS Support
  • Management of Cadastral documents
  • Land Value Mapping and Editor
  • Shape and CSV Ex- and Import
  • Styleeditor

User interface


Programming Language


Database Environment

MySQL, PostgreSQL (pgsql)

Free download Web app or web tool kvwmap - WebGIS solution from RedcoolMedia.net