kangle web server

kangle web server

This is the web app or web related tool named kangle web server whose latest release can be downloaded as kangle-3.3.9.tar.gz from this website redcoolmedia.net


kangle web server


Download this app named kangle web server.

kangle is a light, high-performance web server.support fastcgi/isapi/ajp/uwsgi/scgi/hmux protocol.include a http manage console. Full support access control. memory/disk cache. virtual host can run in seperate process and user. and more


  • anti attacks based on hash collisions
  • easy used web manage console.
  • fastcgi/ajp/uwsgi/scgi/hmux/http protocol upstream
  • virtualhost can run as seperate process and user.
  • memory and disk cache.
  • full request/response access control
  • .htaccess rewrite rule support.
  • epoll/kqueue/iocp/port socket handle
  • support asp/asp.net(windows version).
  • upstream keep alive
  • isapi/cgi support
  • virtualhost based on host or port
  • multi process and multi thread work model
  • xml config file
  • on the fly gzip
  • Apache compatible log files
  • ipv6 ready
  • ssl support
  • ssi support(server side include)
  • replace_ip/replace_content/footer module
  • input filter(anti SQL injection,upload filename check)


System Administrators

User interface


Programming Language


Free download Web app or web tool kangle web server from RedcoolMedia.net