Google Page Rank

Google Page Rank

This is the web app or web related tool named Google Page Rank whose latest release can be downloaded as googlerank-1.0.0.tar.gz from this website


Google Page Rank


Download this app named Google Page Rank.

This project is a simple Qt library extension that is used to retrieve the Google page rank of any public web page.

You can use the library capability asynchronously which means you can send a request and a little later you get a message with the answer which you continue to do other work.

The project also includes a command line tool that is used to synchronously get the page rank of a URL. This tool can be used in shell scripts.


  • Retrieve the Google Page Rank of your Website Pages
  • Written as a C++ library
  • Works with Qt and written following the Qt syntax
  • Can be used asynchronously


Information Technology, Advanced End Users, Developers

User interface

Command-line, Qt

Programming Language


Free download Web app or web tool Google Page Rank from