DCI Bridge

DCI Bridge

This is the web app or web related tool named DCI Bridge whose latest release can be downloaded as dcibridge-3.5.2.tgz from this website redcoolmedia.net


DCI Bridge


Download this app named DCI Bridge.

DCI Bridge is a web application (sevice) that provides standard access to the distributed computing infrastructures (DCIs) like grids, desktop grids, clusters, clouds and service based computational resources by implementing the specification of the OGSA Basic Execution Service 1.0.

The DCI Bridge web application creates a transparent layer between the users (workflow systems) and the DCI systems. The user can submit jobs to the various DCI systems using the OGSA Basic Execution Service (BES) interface defined here. As a result, the users do not have to learn the access protocol of the various DCI systems since they are hidden behind the BES interface.


  • Creates transparent layer on the top of different distributed resources
  • Supported middlewares:
  • Globus Toolkit2, Globus Toolkit4, Globus Toolkit5, GEMLCA, gLite, PBS, Google App Engine, AXIS2 Web-Services, UNICORE, ARC, LSF, BOINC, GBAC, CloudBroker



User interface


Programming Language

JavaScript, JSP, Java

Free download Web app or web tool DCI Bridge from RedcoolMedia.net