Coffee Tools

Coffee Tools

This is the web app or web related tool named Coffee Tools whose latest release can be downloaded as from this website


Coffee Tools


Download this app named Coffee Tools.

Tools include:
CTFilesRenamer: A mass-file renamer.
FileCompare: Compare files or paths, showing mismatches, deleting duplicates optionally.
FilePatternFinder: Find the largest repeated byte pattern in a file that doesn't overlap.
FilenameMixUpper: Scramble all the filenames in a directory.
FileSplitter: Split a file into numbered parts.
HttpClient: Single web page GETter.
InFileFind: Find where/at a file is inside another
NumeredFilesCombiner: Combine a directory of files with numbered-filenames.
PassCrypt: A tool for password-en/decrypting a file.
RecursiveUnzip: Unzip all the zip files in a directory tree, with optional filename mangling
RegFilesRenamer: A mass-file renamer using regular expressions.
RLETool: A file compressor/decompressor.
SimilarFileFinder: Discover which files in a path are most similar to a given file or path of files.
SortByLine: Sort a text file organized into lines or paragraphs.

Free download Web app or web tool Coffee Tools from