CMS gallery

CMS gallery

This is the web app or web related tool named CMS gallery whose latest release can be downloaded as from this website


CMS gallery


Download this app named CMS gallery.

CMS gallery is the most popular photo gallery for .NET, and one of the most popular CMS of any kind with over 1 million downloads. It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, add/delete/rearrange/ images, group galleries into albums, and more.
Features: EXIF, tree structure, dynamic resize, after effect, geolocation, microdata, multi domain, multisite, multiuser, multilingual, mobile friendly, open source and totally free


  • EXIF
  • tree structure (photo album)
  • dynamic resize
  • after effect
  • geolocation
  • comments
  • discussion board
  • microdata
  • multi domain
  • multisite
  • multiuser
  • multilingual
  • mobile friendly (fluid & responsive web design)
  • open source and totally free
  • easy to use
  • ecard

User interface


Programming Language

Visual Basic .NET

Free download Web app or web tool CMS gallery from