CLUE - C Learning Undergrad Environment

CLUE - C Learning Undergrad Environment

This is the web app or web related tool named CLUE - C Learning Undergrad Environment whose latest release can be downloaded as content.jar from this website


CLUE - C Learning Undergrad Environment


Download this app named CLUE - C Learning Undergrad Environment.

CLUE (C Learning Undergraduate Environment) is a software allowing students to work on assignments in the C language while benefiting from support for peer testing, hyper-linked tutorials to help them understand compiler error messages, detection of "novice errors" with warnings hyper-linked to tutorials. Sponsored by National Science Foundation under award CCLI #0836863.


  • NED - Web application providing students with automated novice errors detection and tutorial pages hyperlinked to the warning messages
  • CLUE - python client-server assignment manager enabling peer testing among students and leveraging the above NED features


Education, Science/Research

Programming Language

JavaScript, PHP, Python, Unix Shell

Database Environment


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