BMDExpress Data Viewer

BMDExpress Data Viewer

This is the web app or web related tool named BMDExpress Data Viewer whose latest release can be downloaded as BMDExpressDataViewerUserManual.pdf from this website


BMDExpress Data Viewer


Download this app named BMDExpress Data Viewer.

Regulatory agencies increasingly apply benchmark dose (BMD) modeling to determine points of departure for risk assessment. BMDExpress applies BMD modeling to transcriptomic datasets to identify transcriptional BMDs. However, graphing and analytical capabilities within BMDExpress are limited, and the analysis of output files is challenging.

We developed a web-based application, BMDExpress Data Viewer for visualizing and graphing BMDExpress output files. BMDExpress Data Viewer is a useful tool to visualize, explore and analyze BMDExpress output files. Visualizing the data in this manner enables rapid assessment of data quality, model fit, doses of peak activity, most sensitive pathway perturbations and other metrics that will be useful in applying toxicogenomics in risk assessment.

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