Snow effect to the goats footage

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Snow effect to the goats footage

Free download Snow effect to the goats footage video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the free video Snow effect to the goats footage that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video Snow effect to the goats footage.

Snow effect, applied to a footage of the goats of the village: Ginger & Black Pepper


Programs used:
After Effects CC 2015

AE plugins used:
Red Giant Trapcode Particular 4.1.4

I discovered this technique through the below educational video. Thanks Ignace Aleya.

Download, play and edit free videos and free audios from Snow effect to the goats footage using web apps