RAW Suffocated (live)

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RAW Suffocated (live)

Free download RAW Suffocated (live) video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the free video RAW Suffocated (live) that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video RAW Suffocated (live).

Founded by two prominent figures in the field of Creative Technologies; Selcuk ARTUT and Alp TUĞAN, RAW is a music group that creates audio and visual performances with live coding methods. While exhibiting audio visual experiences with improvisational computer programming structures, the duo invites the viewers to be an active observer of the making process of their live performances. Performed at various Electronic Music and Media Events in places like Berlin, Tokyo, London, Helsinki, Verona, Belgrade, Vienna, Istanbul; RAW invites the audience to immerse into the performance visually with using additional top cameras, and code views projected on large displays. Sonically the audial experience moves into the fields of noise, electronic, techno, minimal and ambient genres with improvisational forms.

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