Grain boundary segregation via atom probe tomography (APT)

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Grain boundary segregation via atom probe tomography (APT)

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This is the video Grain boundary segregation via atom probe tomography (APT) that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor online


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Atom probe tomography (APT) provides morphology, size distribution composition and the volume fraction of embedded nanoparticles and precipitates . It resolves elemental segregation at phase and grain boundaries with high chemical sensitivity which cannot be resolved by any other technique. OCAS is keen to provide its customers with access to this advanced characterisation technique. Both the development of new materials, as well as the analysis of complex materials in case failure occurs, require insight in nano-material science. OCAS experts can advice on the best methodology to use for your application, prepare the specific samples, carry out the measurement and explain the results.

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