Eksperimentalna forma // Experimental form - Vasily Kuzmic

Eksperimentalna forma // Experimental form - Vasily Kuzmich (Mentorica // Mentor: Valerie Wolf Gang)

This is the free video Eksperimentalna forma // Experimental form - Vasily Kuzmich (Mentorica // Mentor: Valerie Wolf Gang) that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video Eksperimentalna forma // Experimental form - Vasily Kuzmich (Mentorica // Mentor: Valerie Wolf Gang).

Eksperimentalna forma // Experimental form

Avtor dela // Author: Vasily Kuzmich
Mentorica // Mentor: Valerie Wolf Gang

Even 5 centuries ago, people thought about 5 senses and the fact that we perceive the world through sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Over time, the perception of the world has changed a lot, but the 5 feelings remained the same. Human feelings in the "virtual world", due to the virus and in general due to scientific and technological progress, there is a very strong orientation and dominance of the visual channel. There are no smells or tastes in virtual life. No touching and even communication is completely different. Since this is psychologically influenced by the fact that we are actually communicating with the gadget, and not with another person. It has been scientifically proven that man is a social being. Thus, communicating with other people, he has new neural connections, and if you do not communicate with people and spend time only on the network, then there are clearly fewer of them.
My work talks about how scientific technology has changed the perception of sensations and the world. The way he moves into the world of technology and algorithms.
This work will consist of paintings where the main plot is 5 or at least one senses. Using the Max MSP program, these pictures will be transformed into one another and thus show how the perception of the world mixes and changes with the advent of technology.

O delavnici // About workshop
Skozi proces eksperimentiranja s formo in razvojem konteksta ideje smo se osredotočili na tematiko odsotnosti telesnega zaznavanja, katerega so ustvarjale socialno-politične razmere v zadnjih mesecih, ko so študentje bili primorani ostati doma in se izolirati pred svetom in drug od drugega. Skozi računalniške ekrane so ohranjali stik s sošolci, izobraževalno ustanovo, družino, prijatelji in celotnim sistemom. Z ustvarjalno formo smo tako preizkusili sistem ohranjanja bližine na daljavo na način, da smo si naredili izziv, v katerem je vsak študent pripravil kratek film v dolžini dveh minut in točno na polovici filma se zgodi dotik levega ali desnega dela ekrana, kjer glavni lik oz. protagonist/ka v zgodbi izvede 30 sekundno interakcijo z robom zaslona in tako simbolično vzpostavi stik z nečim na drugi strani. Drugi del zgodbe se odvije po zaključeni fazi produkcije, ko so dela postavljena v galerijo (ali objavljena na spletu) drugo ob drugim: z naključnim predvajanjem vseh kratkih filmov se tako na sredini med dvema ekranoma dogajajo dotiki, ki ustvarjajo interakcijo, nove zgodbe in zanimive odnose različnih umetniških del. Študentje (avtorji) so tako na inovativen način iskali ter ohranjali stik drug z drugim; skozi proces pa čutili drug drugega, čeprav so bili primorani držati distanco. Umetnost nas povezuje, kultura zbližuje, ustvarjalni duh pa gori v vseh izmed nas in išče pot in nove inovativne načine kako postati (in ostati) zbližani kot suverena družba, ki stremi k boljši prihodnosti za vse nas.


// Through experimental form and developing the context of the idea, we focused on the theme of the absence of bodily perception created by the socio-political situation in recent months when students were ordered to stay at home and isolate themselves from the world. They kept in touch with classmates, the educational institution, family, friends, and the entire system through computer screens. With the creative form, we tested the method of maintaining closeness at a distance in such a way that we made a challenge in which each student prepared a short film lasting two minutes, and precisely in the middle of the film, a touch happens in the left or right middle part of the screen. In the story, the protagonist interacts with the edge of the screen for 30 seconds, symbolically making contact with something on the other side. The second part of the story takes place after the end of the production phase when the works are installed in a gallery (or published online) next to each other: by randomly playing all short films, touchings and interactions are happening in the middle between the two screens, creating synergy, new stories and exciting connections of different works of art. Students (authors) thus sought and innovatively maintained contact with each other; through the process, however, they felt each other, even though they were required to keep their distance. Art connects us, culture brings us together, and the creative spirit burns in all of us and seeks a path and new innovative ways to become (and stay) closer as a sovereign society striving for a better future for everyone.


© Univerza v Novi Gorici, Akademija umetnosti / University of Nova Gorica School of Arts / 2021

Download, play and edit free videos and free audios from Eksperimentalna forma // Experimental form - Vasily Kuzmich (Mentorica // Mentor: Valerie Wolf Gang) using RedcoolMedia.net web apps