Concept Trailer

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Concept Trailer

Free download Concept Trailer video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the free video Concept Trailer that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


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This trailer is based on a story a group of people and I created. Here's the short version of this story:
Kids forced to live in a world without technology
Here's the synopsis:
Howard is a young boy living in a world enveloped in technology. One day, he gets a letter from the government saying he is forcefully being sent to a special camp. When Howard arrives at the site, he is given an unknown substance to drink without knowing what it is for. Once he's inside, he realizes something is weird about this place, there is no technology anywhere to be found. It doesn't take long for Howard to realize something is very off about the people living at the camp as well. They have no recollection about the outside world or knowledge of how long they have been there. During this time, he runs into his best friend Michael, who he hasn’t seen in months. Michael does not remember him nor where they came from. Most people back home thought he was missing, and now Howard is starting to realize something about this place is really really wrong. While trying to survive without the government realizing the mysterious drink doesn’t work on him, Howard tries to not only escape, but to save his best friend's memory and freedom as well.

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