Duerme Nia (Sleep Little Girl)
This is the video Duerme Nia (Sleep Little Girl) that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor online
Play, download and edit the video Duerme Nia (Sleep Little Girl).
Duerme Niña (Sleep Little Girl) TABS and score here: shop.per-olovkindgren.com/?product_tag=duerme-nina is a “Canción de Cuna” or a “Lullaby” that I composed many years ago for a little girl in Miami Beach. She was 10 years old then and I wanted to play it for her before she fell asleep but, for many sad reasons, I never got the chance. I hope she will hear it some day here or on YouTube.com or Veojam.com. Or, at a concert somewhere.
Guitar made by Chinese luthier Jialan (2016) Torres model (640 mm.) jialanguitar.com/
Free download, play and edit video and audio from Duerme Nia (Sleep Little Girl) using RedcoolMedia.net web apps