

This is the free video Just_Like_a_Painting_by_Eggert_Petursson_Trailer_1_20_ENGLISH that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


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“Just Like a Painting by Eggert Pétursson” is a documentary on the painter Eggert Pétursson. In moraines near Skaftafell Glacier and close to the Arctic Circle at Tröllaskagi peninsula we discover the film’s dynamic cornerstone on our trip through the Highlands. Our guide is botanist Thóra Ellen Thórhallsdóttir, who connects the dots between our experience of the Icelandic nature and the floral diversity of Eggert’s flower paintings.
Eggert is a conceptual artist with a realistic vision of form and structure, but the imagination is tied to interpretation and his own sense of painting. From his book of sketches, surrounded by a musical ode to Mother Nature, the flora’s perseverance and complexity matches the world of the painting while emphasizing the coexistence of these two worlds.
„Eins og málverk eftir Eggert Pétursson” er heimildarmynd um listmálarann Eggert Pétursson. Í jökulruðningi fyrir framan Skaftafellsjökul, á ystu annesjum Tröllaskaga og í ferð okkar um hálendið uppgötvum við senn hornsteina og hreyfiafl myndarinnar. Við njótum leiðsagnar Þóru Ellenar Þórhallsdóttur grasafræðings, sem sameinar upplifun okkar á íslenskri náttúru og flórumengi blómamynda Eggerts.
Eggert er hugmyndalistamaður með raunsanna sýn á form og skipulag en fantasían er bundin í túlkun og eigin tilfinningu í málverkinu. Í skissubók hans og í tónlistaróði til móður náttúru, þar sem þrautseigja og margbreytileiki flórunnar skákar heimi málverksins, er að finna það sem undirstrikar tilvist þessa tveggja heima.

Tungumál:íslenska | Language: Icelandic/English graphics & subtitles
Lengd/Length: 74 mín
Upptökutækni/Media format: ProRes 4K
Sýningarform/Projection format: DCP
Sýningarhlutfall/Projection ratio: 1:2,39
Handritshöfundar/Script: Gunnlaugur Thór Pálsson & Thóra Ellen Thórhallsdóttir
Framleiðendur/Producers: Gunnlaugur Thór Pálsson & Ólafur Rögnvaldsson
Framleiðslufyrirtæki/Production Companies: Sjónhending & Axfilms
Stjórn kvikmyndatöku/DoP: Ólafur Rögnvaldsson
Klipping/Editing: Anna Thóra Steinthórsdóttir
Tónlist/Music Composer: Atli Örvarsson & Sindri Már Sigfússon (Sin Fang)
Leikstjórn/Direction: Gunnlaugur Thór Pálsson

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