Inter_Body_Space (Master-Thesis and movie by Alessandra Di

Inter_Body_Space (Master-Thesis and movie by Alessandra Di Santo)

This is the free video Inter_Body_Space (Master-Thesis and movie by Alessandra Di Santo) that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video Inter_Body_Space (Master-Thesis and movie by Alessandra Di Santo).

In her master thesis Alessandra Di Santo developed a new interpretation of fashion presentation through tangible physical knit- fashion, which stationed itself against the fast fashion system. This fashion presentation deals with essential questions of fashion. Will we still need physical clothes tomorrow? Or how will we as humans buy our clothes in the future? This also led to spatial changes in the arrangement of the fashion space; both on stage, as well as the public space. The result is an amalgamation, which removes the spatial boundaries between the audience and the models, who wears the knit- fashion. The audience now sees itself as part of the whole exhibition.

Alessandra di Santo entwickelte in dieser Masterthesis eine Neuinterpretation der Modedarstellung durch greifbare physische Strickmode, die sich gegen das System von «Fast Fashion» stellt. Diese Modepräsentation setzt sich mit essentiellen Fragen der Mode auseinander. Braucht es morgen noch physische Kleider? Wie werden wir Menschen morgen Mode einkaufen? Aus diesen Fragen haben sich räumliche Veränderungen in der Anordnung der Modebühne und des Publikumsraumes entwickelt. Es entsteht eine Vermischung bis hin zur Aufhebung der räumlichen Grenzen zwischen Publikum, Models und Mode.

Student: Alessandra Di Santo
FHNW Academy of Art and Design
Institute Integrative Design l Masterstudio
Studio StudioScenography & ExhibitionDesign

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