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Free download Corridor video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the free video Corridor that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


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The idea behind this one was to play around with various vine growing techniques as well as simple growth solvers. For the tentacles I ended up using a combination or Ray and Creep nodes and then VDB combining them to get them to overlap. The interesting bit was trying to spread cysts or pimples around the tentacles that would pop into fluids when they reached a certain size. The smaller pimples are just a displacement in Arnold.
For the mold growth I used Fabricio Chamon's excellent tutorial.

On the compositing side of things I started with a just a simple cleanup of the plate using projection, but then, since I wanted to slow down the movement of the camera almost twice as much I ended up reprojecting the entire scene. Then I simply used the world position pass rendered in Maya's Arnold to gradually make the corridor darker and darker.

Programs used:
Houdini: Simulations and growth.
Maya: Scene layout.
Arnold in Houdini: texturing and rendering of everything.
Nuke: Tracking and Compositing.
Premiere Pro: editing.

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