Blade Krasowski Blade Runner Atmosphere upcoming music al

Blade Krasowski Blade Runner Atmosphere upcoming music album by Stanislav Krasowski

This is the free video Blade Krasowski Blade Runner Atmosphere upcoming music album by Stanislav Krasowski that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video Blade Krasowski Blade Runner Atmosphere upcoming music album by Stanislav Krasowski .

This is preview of Track 1 (Movement 1) and flowing beginning of Track 2 (Movement 2).
The music concept based on similar Vangelis atmosphere but with own and unique style. There will be 10 tracks: Movement 1, Movement 2,..., Movement X. But with Your helps it could be expanded to 15 tracks.
Production with the Apple 3D spatial audio (Dolby Atmos) also planned as crowdfunding could help to achieve some result to collect money for this ambition project.

How can You help to project? Your support will be good motivation for me:
paypal @stanislavkrasowski
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dogecoin D6b7Y48KFkSQBxMoo5gHqKP41A21gvnuk6


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