⚠️ 33 seconds on Reverse Osmosis RO and Bottled Waters

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⚠️ 33 seconds on Reverse Osmosis RO and Bottled Waters. See the full presentation by Dr. Richard Cohen, MD under description.

Free download ⚠️ 33 seconds on Reverse Osmosis RO and Bottled Waters. See the full presentation by Dr. Richard Cohen, MD under description. video and edit with RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio video editor online and AudioStudio audio editor onlin

This is the free video ⚠️ 33 seconds on Reverse Osmosis RO and Bottled Waters. See the full presentation by Dr. Richard Cohen, MD under description. that can be downloaded, played and edit with our RedcoolMedia movie maker MovieStudio free video editor online and AudioStudio free audio editor online


Play, download and edit the free video ⚠️ 33 seconds on Reverse Osmosis RO and Bottled Waters. See the full presentation by Dr. Richard Cohen, MD under description..

⚠️ See more here on oxidative RO and bottled waters and the antioxidant Japanese technology solution at a fraction of the cost. Ask me how you can start at as little as $44/month:

Dr. Richard Cohen, MD, practices Integrative Anti-Aging Medicine and Sports Performance Nutrition. Please make time to watch the History of Water below with your family and send it to everyone you care about. See video description for more information. vimeo.com/385426684

Please see more below and forward to family and friends:

Time is of the essence to get you and your family on this form of water that is 6x more absorbed into the cells, detoxifying, and antioxidant -ORP, not oxidizing +ORP as all other water is.

You and your family are currently dehydrated to a degree with toxic build up because the water you drink, even the most expensive alkaline or purified water only absorbs into your cells 20%, so there is minimal cellular movement. And it’s oxidative +ORP.

You can have the #1 selling Japanese technology unit on the planet that will allow you to drink and run your entire home toxic free for as little as just $44/mo to start. Ask us how.

Listen to these highly educated and experienced medical doctors talk about Kangen water:
Dr. Horst Filtzer, M. D. (Harvard medical School grad); famous Dr. Hiromi Shinya, M. D. (pioneer of modern colonoscopy and physician to royalty and celebrities); Tim McKnight, M. D.;
BJ Showman, DMD (doctor of dental medicine).
Full presentation vimeo.com/364549522

Dr. Hiromi Shinya

Drink powerful antioxidant water, not more low absorbed oxidative water you are most likely getting from home filtration and purification systems or purified (acidic) or expensive pH (alkaline) water from Whole Foods in plastic or glass.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Pollack get right into the cells and the profound effects of free electrons in reduced water which is antioxidant water, aka Kangen water. This water only lasts 2 days in a container. Ask me why.

You may think it’s healthy because it’s treated or bottled, and expensive, but it’s all the same: oxidative and low cellular absorption that locks toxins into your cells for years and keeps you dehydrated with low cellular movement.

This is the very reason why people get the oxidative ailments including cancers, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia, dementia, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, and more.

Watch this 36 second video that may change your life: Bob Wright Founder American Anti-Cancer Institute and the importance of raising cellular voltage with Kangen Water®

Here is why you are paying 3X more NOT having this Japanese technology in your home. Get it for as little as $44/mo to start. See more below and contact Aaron at 714-322-2297 or aarondodson@live.com:

Get back to the person who gave you this or contact me with questions or details on how to start your 30 day risk free trial.

In Good Health!
Aaron Dodson, P. E.
714-322-2297 mobile/text

Step 1: Here’s what you spend now on expensive drinking water that doesn’t work, toxic cleaning, beauty, and personal care products the Kangen replaces: $3/day x 365 x 20 years= $21,900.

Step 2: Buy the Kangen SD501: $3980 + tax + filters for 20 years= $7300. In fact at $3/day, you can pay for the SD501 at 22% credit card interest in 10 years! Get one now for as little as $44/mo to start with no down and 0% interest for 12-15 mos.

Step 3: Go to creditcards.com to find the right 0% credit card for you and contact Aaron 714-322-2297 mobile/text US PST.

For more detail see HealthyPeopleWanted.com

*K8 and SD501 units prepaid with credit card. Ask us about 0% credit cards. Some restrictions apply. Please contact Aaron for more information.

Download, play and edit free videos and free audios from ⚠️ 33 seconds on Reverse Osmosis RO and Bottled Waters. See the full presentation by Dr. Richard Cohen, MD under description. using RedcoolMedia.net web apps